**cross country panel regressions with country fixed effects and year fixed effects, and robust standard errors clustered at the country level to allow for serial correlation over time *millegis recode millegis 99=. recode millegis 77=. reg ccs_dynamic millegis i.cowcode i.year, robust cluster(cowcode) *statistically significant at the 99.99+% level. *emergency recode emer 99=. reg ccs_dynamic emer i.cowcode i.year, robust cluster(cowcode) *emergency but with provisions involving the military in declaring or approving a state of emergency recode Emerdcap 2=1 recode Emerdcap 99=. recode Emerdcap 88=. reg ccs_dynamic Emerdcap i.cowcode i.year, robust cluster(cowcode) *noamnesty regress the effect of the prohibition of amnesty for the military recode noamnesty 2=0 recode noamnesty 77=. recode noamnesty 99=. reg ccs_dynamic noamnesty i.cowcode i.year, robust cluster(cowcode) *statistically significant at the 99.99+% level for improving civilian control. *restart the dataset use "C:\Users\Apinop\OneDrive - University of Virginia\Final Dissertation Draft\Military_CCS_Merged.dta" tsset cowcode year *noamnesty regress the effect of amnesty clauses for the military recode noamnesty 1=0 recode noamnesty 2=1 recode noamnesty 77=. recode noamnesty 99=. reg ccs_dynamic noamnesty i.cowcode i.year, robust cluster(cowcode) *not statistically significant *creating a regression table outreg2 using myreg.doc, replace ctitle(Model 1)