Readme for replicating results in the dissertation "Spousal Labor Supply and Unemployment: Estimates from a Household Search Model", Jonathan Eggleston, May 2014. To do the analysis for this dissertation, I used Stata to download the data from the Census website and clean the data as well. I used Fortran to estimate my model using MPI to parallelize my program. The Fortran code is written in Fortran 95 using concepts introduced in Fortran 03/08. All analyses were done on the UVa Cluster, described at, which uses the Linux operating system. Respective versions are as follows: Stata MP: Version 12.1 Intel Fortran Compiler (ifort): 13.0.1 MPI: mpich 3.0.1 PBS: PBS Pro version 12 The code also complies with the GNU compiler, version 4.6.3. The Stata code is in the file "" and the Fortran code is in "" The code should be able to create my dataset from scratch and then use the data to estimate my Fortran program. The following is a shell script (Linux terminal commands) that can be used to estimate all my components #begin shell script here #start out in the directory you want mkdir sipp_datawork mkdir sipp_fortran_mpi #first, download and clean the data cd ./sipp_datawork #copy the "" file into the "sipp_datawork" directory unzip #will need to change some global variables in the file before running the following command xstata-mp do cp sipp_fortran_big.txt ../sipp_fortran_mpi #second, estimate the program cd ../sipp_fortran_mpi #copy the "" into the "sipp_fortran_mpi" directory unzip # need to have mpi set up with ifort as the wrapper before running the following command make qsub mypbs.pbs #wait for the main program to finish running before submitting the other pbs file (which took about 6 hours) qsub mypbs_post_est_all.pbs #end shell script