Infectious Diseases Data Analysis Program: A Proof of Concept for User-Friendly Patient Data Analysis; The Influence of Researchers, Clinicians, and Legislation on one another, and the Effects on Electronic Health Records
Ghajar-Rahimi, Elnaz, School of Engineering and Applied Science, University of Virginia
Seabrook, Bryn, EN-Engineering and Society, University of Virginia
Papin, Jason, MD-BIOM Biomedical Eng, University of Virginia
The Capstone Project, Infectious Diseases Data Analysis Program: A Proof of Concept for User-Friendly Patient Data Analysis, is outlined as follows. A series of in person interviews and electronic surveys conducted with clinicians in the Infectious Diseases department and the data analytics team at UVA, revealed the need for a user-friendly method for reducing the time necessary for filtering patient data files. The final iteration of IDDAP, written in Rstudio with the flex dashboard package, serves as a proof of concept for a patient filtering software that can efficiently input an EHR or medical record and output a series of filters that sort patient information in real time, as well simple statistical analysis calculations.
The STS Research Paper, The Influence of Researchers, Clinicians, and Legislation on one another, and the Effects on Electronic Health Records, unravels the ways in which actors in health care and EHR development influence one another. Sheila Jasanoff’s theory of co-production revealed that the scientific community and legislators simultaneously influence one another. The assessment of the advantages and disadvantages of EHRs then influence the actions of researchers, clinicians, and legislators when developing new iterations of EHRs. The perceptions that physicians, researchers, and lawmakers have of one another, as well as their perceptions of EHRs, guide the way for effectively implementing change.
BS (Bachelor of Science)
Theory of Co-production, Infectious Diseases, Data Analysis
School of Engineering and Applied Science
Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Engineering
Technical Advisor: Jason Papin
STS Advisor: Bryn Seabrook
Technical Team Members: Michael Hughes, Jessica Mahoney
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