Commentary on Aquinas' Treatise on Marriage
Thunder, James Michael, Department of Religious Studies, University of Virginia
Little, David, Department of Religious Studies, University of Virginia
This thesis focuses on a relation in which most men and women find themselves and in which religious and political communities possess a keen interest, namely, the marital relation. Indeed, according to Aquinas, marriage is governed by both Divine and human law. This prompts a question, not at all developed in the pages which follow, as to why it is marriage rather than some other human relationship (e.g., political, economic, military, etc.) which participates, in a special way, in Divine law. To offer an answer that marriage has to do with biology and procreation is merely to offer a starting point, For, in the Judaeo-Christian tradition, the Creator does not "Himself" possess sexuality. In addition, Christianity lays a heavy emphasis on chastity.
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MA (Master of Arts)
Thomas -- Aquinas, Saint -- 1225?-1274 -- Summa theologica, Marriage -- Catholic Church
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