Using the Lens of Innovation to Explore Challenges and Opportunities for Integrating Computer Science in the K-8 Curriculum at a Teacher Preparation Program
Wilkens, Kimberly, Curriculum and Instruction - School of Education and Human Development, University of Virginia
Chiu, Jennie, ED-CISE Department, University of Virginia
Nationwide, computer science (CS) education is expected to be integrated into K-8 classrooms ( et al., 2022), but most teachers do not feel prepared because they have little or no prior experience with CS content or pedagogy (DeLyser et al., 2018; Rich et al., 2021; Sadik et al., 2020). Compounding this issue is an overall lack of CS education in teacher preparation programs (TPP), with TPP faculty also feeling ill-prepared to integrate CS into their practice. My Capstone study views the integration of CS in the K-8 TPP curriculum through the lens of innovation by employing the Concerns-based Adoption Model (CBAM) and Diffusion of Innovation (DOI) theory to explore K-8 faculty beliefs and concerns about CS education at the TPP. Findings show that TPP faculty have developing ideas about CS education. Their CBAM Stages of Concern (SoC) profile is typical of those who are not familiar with the innovation, but open to learning from others. Challenges to integrating CS in the K-8 TPP curriculum identified by faculty include time constraints and the need for more knowledge about CS. Opportunities to integrate CS in the K-8 TPP curriculum identified by faculty include integrating CS into existing courses and potentially creating new courses to focus on CS. Findings provide insight into how this TPP can work to support its pre-service teachers to integrate CS as called for by state standards.
EDD (Doctor of Education)
teacher preparation program, K-8, computer science education, curriculum integration, innovation