"Community Control": Residential carcerality in Greensboro, North Carolina
Rosenblith, Gillet, History - Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, University of Virginia
Hale, Grace, Department of History, University of Virginia
Harold, Claudrena, Department of History, University of Virginia
From 1966 to 1973 in Greensboro, North Carolina, women leaders in the United Neighborhood Improvement Team and Greensboro Association for Poor People contended that low-income housing represented a type of punishment that implicated low-income black women disproportionately. This punishment they contended spatially and economically immobilized low-income black women within a type of imprisonment I have termed "residential carcerality." These women-activists' theoretical work regarding the nature of their imprisonment troubles the separation of housing from traditional spaces of imprisonment and provides insight into the ways in which the punitive turn impacted women and reproduced itself and the growing carceral state in the late 20th century.
MA (Master of Arts)
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