Enterprise Resilience of Maritime Container Ports to Pandemic and Other Emergent Conditions; The Impacts of Winning in NCAA Athletics

Myers, Peter, School of Engineering and Applied Science, University of Virginia
Seabrook, Bryn, EN-Engineering and Society, University of Virginia
Lambert, James, EN-Eng Sys and Environment, University of Virginia

The Technical aspect of this report summarizes a project intended to assist the Port of Virginia (POV) in optimizing its operations and increase trade capabilities and positive impact on the economy in Virginia. The POV is one of the most important and influential organizations in Virginia, both socially and economically. Not only does it enable national and global trade at a massive scale, but, as a publicly-owned entity, it also makes a priority to affect its surrounding communities positively through bringing businesses and job opportunities all over the state. By attempting to optimize operations at the port, this research seeks to improve the ability of the POV to positively impact economic operations in Virginia and beyond, as well as decreasing the negative impacts it can have on society through consequences such as pollution or congestion. A couple of examples of initiatives that have been discussed with these goals in mind are the implementation of Alternative Maritime Power and using Small Modular Nuclear Reactors for more efficient means of power supply, thereby significantly reducing pollution caused by the shipping industry in surrounding communities.
The STS Research portion of this report seeks to quantify the benefits of winning games in the National Collegiate Athletic Association, specifically addressing the economic and social impacts of college sports. The effects of having successful sports programs, especially high publicity and revenue sports like men’s basketball and football, have been shown to be substantial on many universities. First noted after Boston College quarterback Doug Flutie’s miraculous game-winning touchdown pass against the University of Miami in 1984, the resulting boom in applications and revenue after successful seasons in college sports is now referred to as the ‘Flutie Effect’ (Silverthorne, 2013). As the NCAA has continued to increase its profitability, grossing over $1 billion annually (NCAA, 2018), these effects have only continued to grow as well. Results show that the value of winning a single regular season football game for a school in a major conference can have impacts on revenue greater than $3 million (Pamintuan, 2016). Other social effects resulting from successful college sports programs include: quality of a school’s average applicant (Anderson, 2017), academic and overall reputation (Vedder, 2016), and rises in reported levels of student happiness and institutional identity (Zook and Holm, 2016). It is important to note that these results are prone to fluctuation due to varying levels of success, as well as the sports being played and the conference that a given university competes in. However, the benefits of college sports have been shown to be numerous both financially and socially.

BS (Bachelor of Science)
Actor-Network Theory, NCAA Athletics, Impacts of winning, Container Port, Enterprise Resilience
Sponsoring Agency:
Port of Virginia

School of Engineering and Applied Science

Bachelor of Science in Systems and Information Engineering

Technical Advisor: James Lambert

STS Advisor: Bryn Seabrook

Technical Team Members: Robert Donnan, Courtnay Edwards, Arjun Iyer, Tan Karamete, Simone Olson, Robert Prater

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