Convergent and discriminant validity of the developmental profile with epileptic children

Munitz, Carol Joan, Department of Education, University of Virginia
Richards, Herbert, Curry School of Education, University of Virginia
Boll, Thomas J., Curry School of Education, University of Virginia
Reeve, Ronald, Curry School of Education, University of Virginia

Forty-eight epileptic children ranging in age from 62 to 107 months were rated by their mothers on a developmental profile devised by Alpern and Boll (1972) and a variety of other criterion measures. The Developmental Profile is a 217 item inventory which provides a developmental index of the child's physical, self help, social, academic, and communication skills. Both convergent and discriminant validity of this instrument were examined. Validity criteria included several tests measuring similar skill areas (e.g., Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children - Revised or Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence, Wide Range Achievement Test, Sensory Perceptual Exam, Halstead's Tactual Performance Test), and parent personality and attitude questionnaires (e.g., Hereford Parent Attitude Survey, Missouri Children's Behavior Checklist, Psychosocial Coping and Adaptation Scale). Descriptive statistics and scale intercorrelations were obtained. Results supported the convergent ability of the five Developmental Profile Scales, but little evidence for discriminant validity was found for epileptic children.  

PHD (Doctor of Philosophy)
Epilepsy in children, Developmental psychology
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