The Impact of Eugenic Feminism on Female Young Adult Readers in Lauren Oliver's Delirium and Grace Liggett's The Grace Year

McKean, Anastacia, English - Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, University of Virginia
Chakravorty, Mrinalini, AS-English-Eng Lit Ops, University of Virginia

The early 2000s witnessed the exponential growth of the young adult dystopian genre, attributed to a growing focus on female perspectives and relatable issues of young adulthood on a wide scale. This popularity has continued to grow, and in 2016 the genre experienced a 17 percent rise in market sale, producing widely successful series and highly anticipated film adaptations. However, the young adult dystopian genre is also ingrained with the critiques of traditional and feminist eugenics made by its adult dystopian predecessors of the twentieth century. Because of the large influence that the young adult dystopian novel has on young female readers, it is able to present a modern critique of traditional and feminist eugenics that allows young female readers to develop critical perceptions and analysis about current global feminist crises.

MA (Master of Arts)
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