"An Egocentric Network Analysis of Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence"
Rivera, Sarah, Nursing - Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, University of Virginia
Laughon, Kathryn, Nursing, University of Virginia
Social support is a known protective factor for intimate partner violence (IPV), however, not much is known about the structure of survivors' social networks. Through a pilot social network analysis, the author of this dissertation seeks to describe the social support network characteristics of women who have experienced intimate partner violence in the past two years and compare their social support networks with a comparison group of women who have never experienced IPV. Additionally, the relationship between mental health and general perceived health outcomes and social network characteristics is explored. The social support networks of women in the IPV group were significantly smaller, networks consisted of more female network members than male or non-binary members, and emotional support was given. Additionally, network size was the only network characteristic that was significant in predicting depressive and PTSD symptomology more frequently and was described as the most helpful form of support. Future studies should build upon this dissertation pilot study and further explore the structural characteristics of survivors' networks as well as changes to those networks over time through longitudinal analysis.
PHD (Doctor of Philosophy)
intimate partner violence, social network analysis, SNA
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