Czechoslovaks in Virginia

Kovács, Sándor Bodonsky, University of Virginia
House, Floyd N., Department of Sociology, University of Virginia
Hoffer, Frank W., University of Virginia

For seven years I was employed as missionary to the Czechoslovaks in Richmond and vicinity by the Virginia Baptist Board of missions and Education. During this time I was able to secure some valuable data from observation and experience not alone pertaining to the coming of the Czechoslovaks to Virginia but also of their community, social, political, and religious life. The material herein presented was gathered in most part by personal observation and investigation of the Czechoslovaks in their homes, schools, churches, and at social and public gatherings. Many of the Czechoslovak families and individuals have shared most kindly with me their friendship, gave most willingly what information they had, and made this study a very pleasant occupation. The perusal of other sources is acknowledged in the footnotes and listed in the Bibliography.

PHD (Doctor of Philosophy)
Slovaks -- Virginia, Czechs -- Virginia, Americanization

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