Outside The Box – The “Tap” Box; Risk Analysis Perspective on the Security Risks of the Emergence of Quantum Computing
Sivolella, William, School of Engineering and Applied Science, University of Virginia
Baritaud, Catherine, EN-Engineering and Society, University of Virginia
Powell, Harry, EN-Elec & Comp Engr Dept, University of Virginia
The emergence of quantum computers will drastically change the world and benefit it in
many ways, but it will also pose security risks that will affect major institutions in society as
well as the general population. The technical research will aim to research the direct solution to
such security risks through finding optimal quantum-proof encryption algorithms. Meanwhile,
the science, technology and society (STS) topic aims to create a proper analysis of when
optimal quantum-proof algorithms will be implemented into societal institutions and if this
implementation will occur before the emergence of practical quantum computers. This analysis
will provide one with an understanding of the time window as well as the potential severity of
the described security risk. After the technical research is complete, it will provide important
evidence for the STS research and provide context for not only when the world will be able to
begin the implementation of quantum-proof algorithms but also for how safe these algorithms
will be.
The technical report will aim to find the current optimal quantum-proof encryption
algorithms and understand how they work. The National Institute of Standards and Technology
(NIST) is holding an open competition for individuals to submit their quantum-proof
algorithms. This competition is a great resource to find the best algorithms and thoroughly
analyze them. The technical research will create an understanding of how these algorithms work
and how safe they are in order to properly determine the risk of the emergence of quantum
computers. NIST will also standardize and approve of algorithms, which provides context for
when institutions will begin to integrate these algorithms into their security systems.
One of the leaders in the NIST competition is International Business Machines (IBM)
which has developed the algorithm Cryptographic Suite for Algebraic Lattices (CRYSTALS).
This lattice algorithm is deemed quantum-proof for the following simplified explanation: there
is a myriad of answers that fit the criteria for solving a CRYSTALS problem, but only one of
those answers will actually decrypt what the algorithm is protecting since quantum computers
can only produce one answer every time they are run. The winners of the competition are
expected to be announced in the next two years, and by then the winners’ algorithms will be
approved and standardized for widespread implementation.
The STS research uses risk analysis, which is a form of Pinch and Bijker’s Social
Construction of Technology (SCOT) and provides a framework to understand the severity of the
risks of quantum computing and whether or not the world will be ready for the emergence of
quantum computers. By viewing the problem from the risk analysis perspective, it appears that
quantum-proof algorithms will be integrated into society by the time useful quantum computers
emerge. The major factors considered are when will quantum-proof algorithms be optimized,
how long would it take for major entities to implement these algorithms into their security
systems, when will quantum computers capable of hacking emerge and what are biases that
could affect these factors.
Although there are some quantum-proof algorithms already in use, like IBM’s
CRYSTALS, most entities, especially non-tech entities, will not change their security
infrastructure until these algorithms are modified and approved by a reputable source. The vast
majority of sources predict NIST to release these algorithms by 2022 to 2024. Consultants at
Accenture and experts at MIT Technology Review believe the implementation of these
algorithms will be completed by 2025-2028 and 2030-2040 respectively. Accenture and MIT
Technology review also expect useful quantum computers will be present in society by 2025 and
2030 respectively. Although these projections expect a world that will have a small window of
major security risks due to quantum computing, one can conclude that the world will be ready
for quantum computers since tech industry public figures often underestimate the timing of new
It is admirable that institutions like NIST have created a platform where anyone can
contribute to solving the problem of protecting everyone’s information. At an age where
technology is improving exponentially, complications improve exponentially. Thus, society
cannot just focus on current problems, but also need to prepare for future problems, which may
have even greater consequences.
BS (Bachelor of Science)
Quantum Computers, Quantum Computing, Encryption, Security, Quantum
School of Engineering and Applied Science
Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering
Technical Advisor: Harry Powell
STS Advisor: Catherine Baritaud
Technical Team Members: Yusuf Cetin, Zachary Hogan, Fayzan Rauf
All rights reserved (no additional license for public reuse)