Satori: Open-source Course Management System; The Impacts of Online Learning in Higher Education
Sullivan, Austin, School of Engineering and Applied Science, University of Virginia
Bloomfield, Aaron, EN-Comp Science Dept, University of Virginia
My STS research paper is about the impact of online learning tools in higher education. Meanwhile, my technical report describes Satori, a online course management system designed for use at universities. The connection between my STS research paper and my technical project should be quite clear.
Working on these projects simultaneously proved to be fruitful. Satori was inspired by CS 2150: Program and Data Representation at the University of Virginia; a class for which I am a teaching assistant. Many of the ideas within my STS research paper were drawn from experiences I’ve had as a teaching assistant for this class. Likewise, I was consciously aware of the findings of my STS research paper while designing Satori. Researching and writing the STS research paper gave me a much better understanding of the impact that my technical project may have on society.
BS (Bachelor of Science)
SCOT, ANT, coronavirus, cheating
School of Engineering and Applied Science
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
Technical Advisor: Aaron Bloomfield
STS Advisor: S. Travis Elliott
Technical Team Members: Disha Jain, Andrew Lewis, Winston Liu