Exploring the Relationship Between Health Sciences Libraries and the Research Lifecycle

Ragon, Bart, Higher Education - Curry School of Education, University of Virginia
Pusser, Brian, Curry School of Education, University of Virginia
Health sciences libraries have traditional been the gatekeepers of medical knowledge. However, exogenous shocks in information technologies are challenging the role of libraries in supporting biomedical research. To maintain both legitimacy and relevance within the academic health sciences centers, libraries need to adapt quickly to the shifting landscape of academic biomedical research. Research lifecycle models have emerged in an attempt to define the research workflow from project inception to completion. Many libraries are evolving their services to better support biomedical research; yet, questions remain about what roles are appropriate for libraries in supporting biomedical research.
This study explored the changing demands on health sciences libraries created through evolutions in biomedical research workflows and investigated avenues for libraries to expand their role in the research lifecycle. The study was guided by the following research questions:
• What are the key activities in the research lifecycle for biomedical researchers?;
• What aspects of the research lifecycle are evolving, if any, due to emerging practices in biomedical research?;
• In what ways do health sciences libraries support the research lifecycle and emerging practices of biomedical research?
• What skills and practices might health sciences libraries cultivate in prompting new roles in the research lifecycle?
This research strengthens what is known about the research lifecycle and the support provided by libraries. Combined with awareness of organizational needs, results can provide a useful framework for health sciences library leaders to guide their organizations in discovering new roles for libraries in addressing the emerging needs of biomedical research.
EDD (Doctor of Education)
Libraries, Biomedical research , Research Lifecycle , Organizational Change , Health Sciences Libraries