Corvus: Urban Air Mobility Solutions for Package Delivery; Using Virtue Ethics to Examine the Uber’s Fatal Self-Driving Crash
Choi, Daniel, School of Engineering and Applied Science, University of Virginia
McDaniel, James, EN-Mech/Aero Engr Dept, University of Virginia
For my Technical Report, I am writing a report on a proposed design of a safe, low-noise,
profitable unmanned aerial system to deliver a five-pound package across short distances in
participation of NASA’s design challenge. The report was written in collaboration with twelve
other Aerospace Engineering students for MAE 4650/4660 Aircraft Design I and II Capstone
class. For my STS research, I am exploring the arguments for the ethically and morally
responsible party of the fatal Autonomous Uber vehicle crash through using network-actor
theory, as well as care ethics. There is a tight relationship between my technical report and STS
research. Firstly, the drone that our capstone is designing will be autonomous in navigation
through implementation of a sensor driven artificial intelligence to achieve remote package
delivery network. In the STS research paper, I am exploring the crash of the Uber’s autonomous
vehicle that was driving on a sensor driven artificial intelligence to build an autonomous
passenger delivery network.
BS (Bachelor of Science)
Aerospace, Autonomy, Uber, Self Driving, Drone
School of Engineering and Applied Science
Bachelor of Science in Aerospace Engineering
Technical Advisor: James McDaniel
STS Advisor: Benjamin Laugelli
Technical Team Members: David Normansell, Cristhian Vasquez, Brett Brunsink, Henry Smith III, Timothy Mather, Daniel Choi, Derrick Devairakkam, Gino Giansante, JD Parker, Joseff Medina, Justin Robinson, Philip Hays, Alejandro Britos