Dating the Green-Eyed Monster: Cross-Partner Associations Between Jealousy, Power, and Relationship Satisfaction in Young Dating Couples
Pettit, Corey, Psychology - Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, University of Virginia
Allen, Joseph
Jealousy is an important predictor of psychopathology, as well as relationship dissatisfaction and violence. This study examined romantic relationship jealousy as a process influenced by the behaviors and perception of both partners in a relationship and associated with low relationship power. A community sample of 131 couples were assessed between ages 20 and 22, with one partner followed up between the ages of 23 and 28. Utilizing actor-partner interdependence models, partner’s low relationship power, as measured through self-report and observer’s ratings of autonomy undermining behaviors, was positively associated with actor’s jealousy, and actor and partner relationship satisfaction were both negatively associated with the jealousy of each partner. Jealousy also predicted a relative decrease in relationship satisfaction over the following 3 to 6 years. Intervention implications for conceptualizing jealousy dyadically and within a power framework are discussed.
MA (Master of Arts)
Jealousy, Power, Relationship Satisfaction
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