A Gamified Course Visualization, Organization, and Assessment System; The School Uniform Controversy
Lando, Corey, School of Engineering and Applied Science, University of Virginia
Ibrahim, Ahmed, EN-Comp Science Dept, University of Virginia
Norton, Peter, EN-Engineering and Society, University of Virginia
Continuous improvement of public education will better prepare youth for social and material success. How can public education in the United States be improved?
Can college students learn more easily when they can complete their coursework at their own pace, without deadlines or single-chance quizzes and tests? Under the direction of Professor Mark Floryan, an application was developed to reframe introductory and advanced coding classes to be more flexible and adaptable to the needs of each student. A pilot course using this application will be tested and implemented at the University of Virginia in an effort to improve the educational experience for both students and teachers.
Because the clothing children wear affects their sense of belonging and their self- expression, decisions regarding school attire should be guided by students’ interests. Students, parents, school administrators, uniform manufacturers, and civil libertarians compete to influence school apparel policies in the United States. Many students and civil libertarians oppose uniforms on grounds of freedom of expression. But most educators favor uniforms, sometimes with discrete support from manufacturers, arguing that uniforms’ academic, disciplinary, and economic benefits outweigh other considerations. Parents are united not in their opinions on school uniforms, which vary widely, but in their methods: they band together with likeminded parents to accomplish their goals.
BS (Bachelor of Science)
School Uniforms, Learning Software, Education, Online Learning
School of Engineering and Applied Science
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
Technical Advisor: Ahmed Ibrahim
STS Advisor: Peter Norton
Technical Team Members: Jimmy Patterson, Connor Anderson, Jack Herd, Alex Nguyen, Taylor Nelson, Ryan Kann, Andrew Abraham