Exploring Discrepancies: Analyzing Electronic Medical Records Data Against Direct Observations; Health Professionals, Elderly Americans, and Distrust During Covid-19 in the United States
FitzGerald, Grace, School of Engineering and Applied Science, University of Virginia
Riggs, Robert, EN-SIE, University of Virginia
Norton, Peter, EN-Engineering and Society, University of Virginia
In the United States, how can the healthcare for the aged be improved?
How can patient flow for the University Physicians Primary Care Clinic (UPC) in the UVA Health System be improved? The UPC is optimizing the patient experience by serving patients through various practices, including primary care, rheumatology, and endocrinology. Its primary patient population consists of elderly patients and others who typically require more time in the system than typical patients. Data from an electronic medical records system can support recommendations for system improvements to optimize the inflow of UPC patients.
In the US during the Covid-19 pandemic, how did social groups manage problems of trust among elderly Americans in expert health guidance? During the pandemic, distrust of new public health guidance complicated health professionals’ efforts to slow the spread of the virus. To achieve high vaccination rates, public health authorities needed public trust. Distrust, however, was high among some vulnerable populations, including the elderly, who faced increased health risks and social isolation. Causes included information overload, political polarization, vaccine hesitancy, disparities in healthcare, and the marginalization of communities. Community health campaigns, support from trusted figures, and feedback forums relieved distrust and improved some elderly patients’ digital literacy.
BS (Bachelor of Science)
Electronic Medical Records, Primary Care, Vaccines
University of Virginia’s University Physicians Primary Care Clinic
School of Engineering and Applied Science
Bachelor of Science in Systems Engineering
Technical Advisor: Robert Riggs
STS Advisor: Peter Norton
Technical Team Members: Avery Schebell, Catherine Irons, Colin Miehe, Sammy Park
All rights reserved (no additional license for public reuse)