Designing Full-Stack Software: Reversing Financial Credits; Financial Resources in E-Commerce: The Relationship Technology Plays in Consumer Buyer Relationships

Mirza, Rafid, School of Engineering and Applied Science, University of Virginia
Francisco, Pedro Augusto, EN-Engineering and Society, University of Virginia
Morrison, Briana, EN-Comp Science Dept, University of Virginia

The rapid evolution of e-commerce has necessitated advanced financial management tools to cater to complex consumer and business interactions, while keeping the relationship between buyer and consumer trustful. My technical research at has focused on developing a user-friendly system to facilitate the removal of mistakenly applied credits from invoices, addressing a significant operational inefficiency and improving the reliability of financial reporting. This system is particularly pivotal in maintaining the health of the Accounts Receivable ledger and enhancing partner relations. For my STS research paper, I decided to research the effect of different software decisions on e-commerce. For example, taking a closer examination at how different models such as the BNPL (Buy Now Pay Later) model affects e-commerce was an important part of my paper. My technical project directly aligns with the sociotechnical dynamics of e-commerce, as engages in e-commerce through its partner portal website. Therefore, researching the social effects of different software decisions was very enlightening on the technical research.
The primary goal of my technical research at was to address the operational inefficiencies encountered when service providers and the finance team attempted to reverse credits from invoices. The project’s rationale centered on enhancing the reliability of financial reporting and simplifying the credit reversal process. Methodologically, the project involved the development of a new user interface within the existing financial management system, integrating seamlessly with’s SQL database and Microsoft Great Plains software. This involved custom coding in C# and SQL, iterative testing, and feedback cycles with the finance and engineering teams to ensure the system was both effective and user-friendly.
The implementation of the prototype for reversing credits significantly improved the process by which financial transactions were managed, leading to more accurate financial statements and easier use of the system by the financial team. This was evidenced by reduced inaccuracies in the test Accounts Receivable (AR) ledger and positive feedback from the testing team. The technical solution not only resolved the immediate issue of credit reversal but also demonstrated the broader capability of well-designed financial management tools to streamline operations and maintain fiscal health. Although the final feature wasn’t pushed into production (due to time constraints), many conclusions can be drawn based on internal testing and feedback from the software, finance, and testing teams. The main conclusion drawn was that when designing financial software, one must take into account all the actors, as well as considering the long term effects of how a software is implemented. In this case, it was paramount to make the feature efficient and simple, while still making the user interface stand out.
My STS research further explores how financial technologies influence trust and consumer behavior in e-commerce settings. The central research question investigates the extent to which the design and implementation of financial management tools, like the credit reversal feature developed at, impact user trust and behavior. This study is significant as it addresses the sociotechnical implications of financial technologies. Methodologically, the research employed a mixed-methods approach, incorporating ethnographic observations from and case studies to gather data on user interactions and system usability.
Evidence from the implementation of the credit reversal tool at and additional case studies emphasize the critical role of user-friendly software design. For example, systems designed to reduce user strain were shown to significantly boost commercial transactions and increase trust. Furthermore, positive feedback from the team at on the ease of usability of the feature further cements this statement. This supports the conclusion that integrating user-centric design principles in financial technologies not only enhances operational efficiency but also improves user trust and engagement. These findings underscore the importance of developing technologies that are both effective and align with user expectations, promoting a more positive interaction environment in e-commerce platforms.

BS (Bachelor of Science)
E-Commerce, Credits, Financial Software

School of Engineering and Applied Science
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
Technical Advisor: Briana Morrison
STS Advisor: Pedro Francisco

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