Interaction of People and Robots: Social Robots with Chatbot; Risks and Benefits of Cryptocurrency
Chau, King Shing, School of Engineering and Applied Science, University of Virginia
Graham, Daniel, EN-Comp Science Dept, University of Virginia
Baritaud, Catherine, EN-Engineering and Society, University of Virginia
Seabrook, Bryn, EN-Engineering and Society, University of Virginia
Wylie, Caitlin, EN-Engineering and Society, University of Virginia
Despite the fact that the first cryptocurrency was created more than ten years ago, there are still numerous questions being asked about the technology. Therefore, it's important to examine technology from all angles and comprehend all of its ramifications. The goal of the STS paper is to examine how the use of cryptocurrencies affects alleged benefits and how they affect people individually. Consequently, in relation to my technical paper using this concept to focus on developing a Chatbot that can recognize emotions in text or voice. People will feel more at ease dealing with broker bots when it comes to cryptocurrency trading by focusing on the emotions of the AI.
As intelligent machines such as robots and computers gain popularity. Another significant paradigm shift brought about by the development of emotional intelligence in robots is how people interact with them. They can therefore better comprehend how we need them to assist us if they can communicate with us through a chatbot that interacts with emotional robots. Accordingly, one of the major worries and inquiries regarding technology has been, "How/why can a robot replace human interaction?"
In line with that concept, developing a chatbot that can detect the emotions of users by reading their text or voice messages is a possible suggestion. The chatbot can now understand complete sentences rather than simply keywords thanks to this feature. Additionally, by using emoji in the chat, the bot will be able to recognize emotions and take the appropriate action. The goal of developing robots that can read human emotion is to better grasp what people are genuinely thinking and fulfill their needs. With this method, businesses that offer online help can reduce the amount of staff needed to provide the same or better service than that offered by bots.
In the STS paper the concept of cryptocurrency was discussed in relation to people’s behavior about the technology. Unlike fiat currency, the value of cryptocurrencies is fully established by the market. This may cause the market to experience abrupt changes, which may cause traders to experience big cash losses or gains. Furthermore, governmental regulation of cryptocurrency transactions is substantially lower than that of traditional financial assets like shares, bonds, and collective investment plans. Although cryptocurrencies are simple to use and provide greater anonymity, their reputation was damaged when they were misused in dubious and illicit drug trafficking, financial fraud, and other illegal behavior. Forty-two additional nations, including Algeria, Bahrain, Bangladesh, and Bolivia, have expressly forbade the use of digital currencies by restricting bank access to them or outlawing cryptocurrency exchanges. They claim that cryptocurrencies are being used to transfer money to unlawful sources and that the emergence of cryptocurrencies could undermine their financial systems, which is why they are attempting to restrict the crypto market in order to prevent illegal activity.
The paper use two theories Roger’s Diffusion of Innovation (DOI) and Hughes’ Technological Momentum (TM) to address impact of the new technology on the people. According to DOI, cryptocurrency is been looked at from a curiosity point of view by the late adopters. According to TM, there is a risk involve that is making users to take cautious approach when dealing with cryptocurrency. The increased use of bitcoin and broad government support have also caused a positive change in people's behavior. The younger generation can also be seen as the digital currency, which may take over the money transaction system while still maintaining a dynamic relationship with real money. This generation is more dependent on technology and willing to adopt the digital system. Information quality, flexibility, and sophistication all have an impact on perceived utility and user satisfaction, which in turn influence behavioral decisions.
In conclusion, when looking into how cryptocurrencies affect people, a new sector is becoming more popular. Trading bots are Artificial Intelligence in the markets for cryptocurrency trading. But there must be an emotional bond between humans and AIs in order to establish this connection. Using the concept of the STS paper about individual’s behavior in relation to the cryptocurrency and for the technical report of chatbot communicating and identifying human emotions, people will feel more at ease interacting with broker bots when it comes to cryptocurrency trading.
BS (Bachelor of Science)
Social Robots, Cryptocurrency, Diffusion of Innovation, Technological Momentum
School of Engineering and Applied Science
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
Technical Advisor: Daniel Graham
STS Advisor: Catherine Baritaud, Bryn Seabrook, Caitlin Wylie
All rights reserved (no additional license for public reuse)