Characteristics of counselors that advocate for clients

Paylo, Matthew John, Curry School of Education, University of Virginia
May, Kathleen, Curry School of Education, University of Virginia
Gansneder, Bruce, Curry School of Education, University of Virginia
Gansneder, Bruce, Curry School of Education, University of Virginia
Lopez-Baez, Sandra I., Curry School of Education, University of Virginia

The counseling profession has failed to provide counselors with a clearly defined understanding of advocacy and the behaviors, knowledge, and skill expectations needed to become advocates (Toporek & Reza, 2001). This lack of understanding of advocacy and the components necessary for implementation has lead to its continued underutilization in counseling practice (D'Andrea & Daniels, 1999).This study was constructed to address these concerns and considerations.

Potential participants were solicited from the membership of the national organization, the American Counseling Association (ACA), or its' division, Counselors for Social Justice (CSJ). Participants completed a demographic questionnaire and The Advocacy Characteristics Scales, which was constructed by the author. The Advocacy Characteristics Scales measures actual advocacy, importance of advocacy, advocacy characteristics, and levels of interventions. The Advocacy Characteristics Scales were used to compare advocacy beliefs and behaviors for affiliates and non-affiliates of CSJ, self-identification as politically active, educational degrees, and professional roles. Additionally, The Advocacy Characteristics Scales were used to predict actual advocacy and importance of advocacy.

A central purpose of this study was to construct a measure that could explain the complex phenomenon of advocacy. The Advocacy Characteristics Scales composed of attributes, attitudes, behaviors, skills, and knowledge accomplished this goal. The Advocacy Characteristics Scales had high item reliability along with high correlations related to actual advocacy and importance of advocacy. There were statistically significant advocacy differences among all groups measured in the study. Additionally, The Advocacy Characteristics Scales were able to predict actual advocacy and importance.

The implication of these findings takes the complex phenomenon of advocacy and divides it into measurable areas of focus. These areas of focus are instrumental in the conceptualization of advocacy for the training and education of competent counselors. The components within The Advocacy Characteristic Scales provide counselor educators with a model to use to introduce and educate counselors about advocacy. This process would facilitate the development of counselors who believe in the importance of advocacy as well as providing them with the knowledge and skills needed to advocate on behalf of their clients.

Note: Abstract extracted from PDF file via OCR.

PHD (Doctor of Philosophy)

Digitization of this thesis was made possible by a generous grant from the Jefferson Trust, 2015.

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