Lifetime Adversities and Outcomes of Second-Generation Offenders
Will, Joanna, Clinical Psychology - Curry School of Education, University of Virginia
Loper, Ann, Curry School of Education, University of Virginia
This three-manuscript style dissertation examines the experiences of second-generation offenders, defined as criminally involved individuals who experienced the incarceration or arrest of one or more parent(s) during their childhood. The first study investigated the retrospective reports of juvenile delinquency and markers of conduct disorder among incarcerated adults who were identified as either first- or second-generation prisoners; second-generation prisoners reported heightened levels of conduct problems, and second-generation male prisoners reported more juvenile delinquency. The second study examined differences between first- and second-generation prisoners’ self-reported experiences of domestic violence exposure and subsequent engagement in intimate partner violence in adulthood. Results revealed that, relative to first-generation prisoners, second-generation prisoners were exposed to more domestic violence as children, which subsequently increased risk of being a victim of intimate partner violence in adulthood. The third study investigated alcohol use, binge drinking, and clinical indicators of alcohol use disorders among first- and second-generation offenders (including those who have been convicted, served community supervision, or been incarcerated) using a nationally representative dataset. This study was consistent with prior research in demonstrating significant differences in the early histories of second-generation offenders, including elevated risk of various adverse childhood experiences, but did not support the notion that second-generation offenders would demonstrate heightened alcohol use and abuse as adults.
PHD (Doctor of Philosophy)
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