Hoos Study Website; Aftershock in the Courtroom: A Care Ethics Analysis of L’Aquila Earthquake Court Decision

Gebreselassie, Samrawit, School of Engineering and Applied Science, University of Virginia
Basit, Nada, EN-Comp Science Dept, University of Virginia
Laugelli, Benjamin, University of Virginia

My technical work of building a study buddy finder website for UVA students and my
STS paper Aftershock in the Courtroom: A Care Ethics Analysis of L’Aquila Earthquake Court
Decision have a loose topical/thematic relationship. My STS paper examines the court decision
to convict the scientists and former government officials of manslaughter for failing to provide
adequate warning of the L'Aquila earthquake. My paper analyzes the decision through a care
ethics framework, which considers the role of care in decision-making. On the other hand, my
technical work of creating a study buddy finder website does not directly relate to the court case
or the care ethics framework. However, the project does relate to the general concept of care. By
helping students find study partners and resources, the website seeks to provide support and a
sense of community. This reflects the same principle of care that is at the core of care ethics.
Ultimately, while my technical work and my STS paper may not have a direct relationship, they
are both motivated by the same underlying value of care.
My technical report discusses the development of a study buddy finder website for UVA
students. The website is designed to allow students to quickly and easily find other students who
are interested in similar topics and who can work together to further their learning. Students can
create a profile that includes details about their academic interests, and any other relevant
information that they want to share. The website will include features such as a category filter to
search for students with the same interest and chat rooms for students to talk with each other
about their studies.
My STS research examines the court decision to convict the scientist and the former
government official of manslaughter for failing to provide adequate warning of the L’Aquila
earthquake through the lens of care ethics. My claim is that the court’s decision to charge the
defendants for not taking adequate measures to protect the people of L'Aquila from the dangers
of the earthquake was a result of failing to consider the role of care ethics in decision-making.
My paper provides insight into the motivation behind the court’s decision through the lens of
care ethics by emphasizing the responsibility, competence, and responsiveness placed on the
defendants by the court. The goal of my research is to highlight the importance of considering
care ethics when making decisions.
Working on my STS paper and the technical work project simultaneously provided the
opportunity to reflect on the implications of my work in different contexts. By examining my
research and technical work through the lens of care ethics, I was able to appreciate the
importance of taking into consideration care ethics when making decisions. My technical work
project provided me with a practical application of care ethics in decision-making. By building a
study buddy finder website that would allow students to find a study partner, I was able to gain
an understanding of how care ethics can be used to create a more caring and supportive
environment for UVA students. My STS paper allowed me to gain an understanding of how
decisions can impact the lives of those affected and how important is it to consider the role of
care ethics in making decisions. To conclude, working on both my STS paper and the technical
work project together, I was able to gain a comprehensive understanding of the importance of
care ethics in decision-making and the practical implication of such decisions.

BS (Bachelor of Science)
All rights reserved (no additional license for public reuse)
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