Facilitating Follow Up Services for Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence Presenting to Emergency Departments
Arcidicono, Christine, Nursing Practice - School of Nursing, University of Virginia
Reid, Kathryn, NR-Nursing: Faculty, University of Virginia
Background: Patients who suffer from intimate partner violence (IPV) have many chronic health concerns. Lack of access to health care services is one contributing factor to poor health outcomes in this group. Survivors of IPV seek care from many community services. The Emergency Department (ED) is a common location for patients to present for care immediately following a violent event. After discharge, there is often no formal follow up care. This interaction with the healthcare system is a potential access point for continuity of care.
Purpose: This project aimed to improve access to follow up care as well as primary care services for patients presenting to the ED with complaints of IPV. PICOT Question: In patients with complaints of intimate partner violence presenting to the ED, does a follow up phone call with a registered nurse address barriers to accessing primary and follow up healthcare services?
Method: The IOWA model was used for project design. The project was designed with input from members of the forensic team at the project site based on noted concerns of patients lost to follow up and literature review findings supporting this same concern.
Procedures: All patients who presented to the ED with complaints of IPV were called for follow up over a 3 month time frame. The telephone intervention included a reminder of scheduled appointments, offer to establish care with a primary care provider (PCP), education of community resources, and safety planning.
Nursing Implications: Registered nurses can help this population improve access to services by assessing individual needs and facilitating contact with appropriate healthcare services.
DNP (Doctor of Nursing Practice)
domestic violence, intimate partner violence, primary care, barrier or barriers