Examining the Feasibility of a Listening Comprehension and Vocabulary Intervention for Elementary-Aged English Learners and Non-English Learners

Author: ORCID icon orcid.org/0000-0002-8857-1435
Vargas, Obeida, Education - School of Education and Human Development, University of Virginia
Solari, Emily, ED-CISE, University of Virginia

This three-manuscript dissertation explores science-based reading instruction for multilingual learners. Utilizing a latent profile analysis, the degree to which distinct learner profiles emerged was examined in Manuscript One using code-based and language-based measures administered in the beginning of first grade. Participants included 11,803 English learners and 34,129 non-English learners. Three early literacy profiles emerged for English learners while four profiles emerged for non-English learners. Both sets of profiles could be identified based on the severity of students’ difficulties with component skills rather than the specificity of their difficulties. Manuscript Two, a systematic review, summarizes the current state of knowledge regarding the use and characteristics of reading interventions that contain instruction in language comprehension for ELs in grades K-5 with or at risk for reading difficulties. This study synthesizes research that utilized an experimental or quasi-experimental group design conducted between 2000 and 2023. Nine studies were included, and results from this systematic review provides promising evidence for the use of reading interventions that include instruction in subcomponent skills that contribute to language comprehension for elementary-aged ELs with or at risk for reading difficulties. Lastly, utilizing a convergent mixed methods design, Manuscript Three evaluates the acceptability, appropriateness, and feasibility of a seven-week listening comprehension and vocabulary intervention implemented by teachers for elementary-aged ELs and non-ELs. Findings from this study suggest that the intervention is acceptable, appropriate, and feasible when implemented in elementary school practice settings. These findings indicate promise for the successful implementation of the intervention by teachers in diverse classrooms that may ultimately impact students’ language and literacy outcomes.

PHD (Doctor of Philosophy)
English learners, multilingual learners, early literacy, at risk, intervention research, implementation research
Sponsoring Agency:
U.S. Department of Education Grant H325D190048University of Virginia, School of Education and Human Development IDEA Grant

Manuscript One was published in Reading and Writing with the following citation:
Vargas, I., Daucourt, M. C., Hall, C., Hart, S. A., & Solari, E. J. (2023). Examining the heterogeneous early literacy profiles of first-grade students who are English learners. Reading and Writing, 1-23. doi.org/10.1007/s11145-023-10452-0

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