The Smithnator: Recumbent Vehicle Design and Entry for the 2020 ASME Human-Powered Vehicle Challenge; Ethics and Social Implication of Intelligent Transportation System

Qi, Zhouyang, School of Engineering and Applied Science, University of Virginia
Ku, Tsai-Hsuan, EN-Engineering and Society, University of Virginia
Smith, Natasha, EN-Mech/Aero Engr Dept, University of Virginia

Humans are not perfect. In terms of decision making of intelligent transportation systems, factors such as ethical, social and technological constraints may come to picture, of which some may lead to discriminatory or biased actions. The amount of data that flows in a smart city is unfathomed by any human power, and the availability of this vast amount of data increases the possibility of misusing and unethical behaviors for those who have access to it. In order to control and manipulate this data, its usage and behavior need to be examined not only from the technical realm (accessibility, security, privacy, etc.), but also from an ethical perspective. Except for that, misconduct behavior of ethical issues is not restrained to just humans: autonomous systems that are capable of making their own decisions can lead to misbehavior as well. Thus, it is critical to ensure the appropriate use and limit ethical and technological misconduct of data processing in order to achieve a vital and intelligent city.
As stated above, the Science, Technology and Society (STS) portion of this thesis will examine the ethics, social and technological implications of Intelligent Transport System (ITS) by comparing two smart city leaders---the United States and China. The technical portion of this paper focuses on designing a Human Powered Tricycle that is commercially friendly, and offers an alternative sustainable transport that is more ergonomic, more efficient and more intriguing than conventional bicycle.

BS (Bachelor of Science)
Zhouyang Qi, Intelligent Transportation System, Comparison between the US and China

School of Engineering and Applied Science
Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering
Technical Advisor: Natasha Smith
STS Advisor: Tsai-Hsuan Ku
Technical Team Members: Todd Baber, Sandesh Banskota, Ethan Blundin, Ross Bonnin, Chloe Chang, Thomas DeAngelis, Michael Jeong, Yasmin Khanan, Jeanluc Lapierre, Brad Mahaffey, Coke Matthews, Jesse Patterson, Kristin Schmidt

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