Relational Aggression and Cyberbullying: Associations with Context and Mental Health Outcomes
Morin, Hillary, Clinical Psychology - Curry School of Education, University of Virginia
Bradshaw, Catherine, Curry School of Education, University of Virginia
This dissertation presents a line of research exploring the psychosocial and behavioral correlates of victims of peer aggression. This dissertation is written according to the requirements described in the Curry School of Education Ph.D. Dissertation Manual: Manuscript Style Dissertation Guidelines. The manuscript-style dissertation calls for the doctoral candidate to be the principle author on three research manuscripts and submit an introduction (linking document) that describes the conceptual and theoretical linkages among the three manuscripts. I am the lead author on all three manuscripts presented here in their entirety. The first manuscript, Relational Aggression and Psychosocial Correlates: A Review and Synthesis of the Literature (Morin & Bradshaw), has been adapted and accepted as a book chapter in the forthcoming Handbook on Bullying Prevention: A Lifecourse Perspective. The second manuscript, Examining the Link between Peer Victimization and Adjustment Problems in Adolescence: The Role of Connectedness and Parent Engagement (Morin, Bradshaw, & Berg), has been published in the journal Psychology of Violence. The third manuscript, Adjustment Outcomes of Victims of Cyberbullying: The Role of Personal and Contextual Factors (Morin & Bradshaw) will be submitted to the appropriate referred journal upon completion.
PHD (Doctor of Philosophy)
Bullying, Adjustment Problems, Victimization
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