Preparing Secondary Pre-Service Science Teachers for Engineering Design Integrated Science Teaching

Ojeogwu, John, Education - School of Education and Human Development, University of Virginia
Mumba, Frackson, ED-CISE, University of Virginia
This dissertation includes three studies focusing on pre-service science teachers' (PSTs) self-efficacy for engineering teaching and implementation of engineering design integrated science (EDIS) instruction. These investigations collectively highlight the efforts to enhance PSTs’ understanding and self-efficacy in implementing engineering design in science teaching, following interventions embedded in science methods courses and field experiences. The first manuscript is a review of existing literature on engineering design teacher preparation. The findings provide important context on how best to improve interventions seeking to prepare PSTs for teaching science using engineering design. The findings of the other two manuscripts reveal that such educational interventions significantly boost PSTs’ capacity to innovate and adapt engineering principles in teaching, evidencing growth in their ability to integrate engineering with science education effectively. This growth is supported by increased self-efficacy post-intervention, indicating sustained confidence in teaching engineering design. The studies advocate for more comprehensive preparation in EDIS, suggesting a positive trajectory towards improved science education that incorporates engineering design, thereby fostering a holistic understanding and application of STEM concepts among future educators.
PHD (Doctor of Philosophy)
Engineering Design Integration, Science Teacher Education , Pre-Service Teachers (PSTs) , Situated Learning Theory , Science Education