Advancements in Online Monitoring and Visualization for SpinQuest in Experimental Nuclear Physics
Roberts, Jordan, Physics - Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, University of Virginia
Keller, D, AS-Physics (PHYS), University of Virginia
SpinQuest will measure the sea quarks Sivers asymmetry, with a target transversely polarized with respect to the incoming 120 GeV proton beam and the hall floor. The Sivers asymmetry describes the distribution of the unpolarized quarks inside a polarized nucleon. SpinQuest will explore the properties of the nucleon's spin composition by investigating the correlation of the light antiquarks' motion relative to the nucleon spin. A software package has been developed to display particle tracks at the hit level of the detector, breaking up the reconstruction process for the use of online monitoring. Online monitoring of the target, the detector, and the reconstruction will play a vital role in ensuring optimal performance to obtain the highest figure of merit possible given the experimental circumstances. This novel monitoring system will enhance the debugging process during commissioning and data acquisition through the ability to make use of machine learning pattern recognition techniques and anomaly detection. This scheme promises to aid target operators and shift takers during the two-year-long production runs when it begins in the Fall of 2023 at Fermilab. We were able to create a demonstration of organizing the tracklets that can be streamed into a machine-learning model. These results depict stations two and three, where the muon from the target is easier to identify in the reconstruction process.
MS (Master of Science)
SpinQuest, Online Monitoring, E1039, Spin Physics, Reconstruction , Particle Physics, Nuclear Physics, Masters Thesis