Designing Computer-Based Guidance to Support Teacher and Student Practices in Engineering and Modeling Projects

Bywater, James, Education - Curry School of Education, University of Virginia
Chiu, Jennifer, Curry School of Education, University of Virginia

Since teaching practices of eliciting, noticing and responding to student ideas are both complex and in need of support, this dissertation describes three studies that look at the design of technology that can guide student and teacher practice. The first study examines the design of a web-based learning environment to guide students through a project that elicits from students their engineering design and mathematical modeling practices together. The second study seeks to support the noticing of engineering design practices by leveraging the log data created by students as they use software to complete science-based engineering design challenges. This noticing can then be used to guide students with their practice directly, or to help teachers guide students. Finally, the third study seeks to support the responding practice of teachers whose students are engaged with a mathematical modeling project by providing teachers with automated guidance while they are responding.

PHD (Doctor of Philosophy)
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