Timing Analysis in a Crystal Scintillator With Dual Readout

Martin, Christopher, Physics - Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, University of Virginia
Hirosky, Bob, AS-Physics (PHYS), University of Virginia
Group, Robert, AS-Physics (PHYS), University of Virginia
With the introduction of Rutherford’s theory of Atomic structure, following his famous gold foil experiment, the need for higher energies to probe deeper structures has been a moving goal post. The development of larger and more powerful accelerators, in the pursuit of furthering our understanding of atomic structure, requires the parallel progression of more robust and precise detectors. Calorimetry is the method of detection in which a proxy is utilized to measure the energy of particles. The proxy by which information may be attained may be the temperature, light, or the charge gathered from interactions observed by such a detector. With the information gathered in large experiments, one can characterize the energy, trajectory, or species of particles involved in such interactions within the calorimeter. Currently, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is the largest and most powerful accelerator in the world. Complementary to such an accelerator is an array of advanced detectors. These detectors include ATLAS, ALICE, LHCb and CMS. In particular the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) relies on calorimetry to investigate frontier physics such as that of the Higg’s Boson or dark matter candidates. The next step in accelerators includes new high energy e+e− machines or "Higgs factories". To prepare for this next leap, the development of more sophisticated detectors is paramount. One such approach is to enhance the performance of calorimeter detectors via “Dual-Readout” (DR) capabilities. One such R&D program utilizing this approach is CalVision. In this work, data from a testbeam taken in April 2023 is analyzed to study the timing resolution of a DR system. The analysis scope is confined to minimum ionizing protons (MIPs) in the crystal. The results indicate promising trends and provide insight to better improve timing resolution in the future. With such observations, improvements can be made on particle flow algorithms and particle identification in jets and showers.
MS (Master of Science)
Crystal Calorimetry , Timing Analysis, Cherenkov Radiation